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  • Does Book Treehouse sell to the public?
    We offer a wide selection of high-quality books and fabric playsets to registered retailers and distributors. Whether you run a bookstore, toy store, or educational supply company, our products will delight children of all ages and interests. We are a wholesaler and do not sell direct to public.
  • Where can I buy your products if I am not a business?
    Visit our Where to Buy page for a stockists closest to you.
  • Why should I register for an online account?
    What are the benefits? By registering for an online account, you'll be able to access all our wholesale/trade-only pages! You can stay also up-to-date on our latest releases and special offers to make sure you won't miss new products or deals. How do I register? Simply enter your information here to set-up an account. We will then be in touch on the next steps.
  • How do I place an order?
    You must first create an account with us before you can place an order. To create an account, click here . We will then send you more information on the next steps.
  • Is there a minimum order value?
    There is a minimum of $100+GST per order. Orders over $500+GST qualifies for free shipping.
  • How do I know if my order has been successfully placed?
    We will send you an email confirming your order before we process them. We will send you a tracking number once we have shipped your order.
  • Where do you ship to?
    We ship to addresses within New Zealand and to Australia.
  • Where do you ship from?
    Your order are processed, packed and shipped from Wellington, New Zealand.
  • What are your shipping, cancellation and return policies?
    For details on our shipping and returns policy, click here.
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